
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Old Homestead

The Old Homestead  Here we have a video of our basement and our woodshop, a week or two after we moved into the homestead on the Long Yang Family Farm. It was a lovely time when we moved out of the city to the countryside. We had lived in a subdivision inside the city limits, where each lot was only about a quarter of an acre. That would be about 306  평  (pyeong).  Our land is 5.92 acres, or 7247 평, entirely covered in mature Oak/Hickory forest. We raise various permaculture fruits. We have planted:  100 shellbark hickory seedlings 25 American persimmon 100 Paw paws Perhaps 25 ginkos  Lots of blueberry bushes, raspberry, blackberry cultivars; 6 kinds of muscadine, figs, gooseberry, and thus and such.  

Stretching and Hacky-sac for Seniors in Church

Dear Church Members:   It has come to my attention that we are growing, as a church body. Hallelujah! We should be getting more and more senior citizens.   Huzzah! What can we do to enhance the quality of their lives, while at the same time reaching out to offer them opportunities for regular fellowship with each other? I suggest stretching and hacky sac. Stretching: Stretching is a glorious pastime, sadly enjoyed by relatively few people. There is no reason the elderly could not glean manifold benefits from stretching. Sure, common objections include an understandable resistance to demon-possession, given the understanding that yoga practitioners are said to ignorantly worship beings other than the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, even while they are “without excuse” (Rom. 1).   In light of this, I generally recommend stretching newbies go gently in the beginning, and cultivate a habit of purity in their voices.   For example, we should abstain from saying phrases or key words such