The Importance of Family

 Family has come under attack, most consistently by the forces of Marxim.  

As a movement, Black Lives Matter has taken that true concept (black lives matter) and twisted it into something completely unbiblical. The organization has recently showed its true colors, openly promoting causes that oppose biblical values. The two co-founders of Black Lives Matter, Patrisse Cullors and Alicia Garza, claim Marxism as their ideology: “We actually do have an ideological frame,” Cullors said in an interview, “Myself and Alicia in particular, we’re trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on ideological theories” (quoted in the Washington Times, “The matter of Marxism: Black Lives Matter is rooted in a soulless ideology,” June 29, 2020).  [Quote:]  

From GotQuestions.Org, we read of a Marxist inspired attack on the family, operating subtly through the Black Lives Matter movement.  

Perhaps most troubling is Black Lives Matter’s stance on the family: “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable” (ibid.). What BLM calls the “Western-prescribed nuclear family” is actually the God-ordained family unit: a father, a mother, and their children. To work to “disrupt” that design is to actively oppose God’s plan for society. (Quote from GotQuesions.Org

This bodes not well for preservation of the Biblical family model.  


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